Camino Spirit Fund
Camino Organizations Supported
Camino Organizations Supported
The Camino organizations supported by the Canadian Company of Pilgrims fundraising campaigns are identified by the green stars in the accompanying map, and a list of these organizations appears below, in the order that a pilgrim would encounter them on their way to Santiago.

Via Podiensis (from Le Puy en Velay) and Voie de Vézelay
Albergue: Various
Location: FRANCE
Notes: Over 1600€ was sent to the FFACC in France to be distributed to gîtes in need
Camino Aragonés
Albergue: Albergue Municipal de Peregrinos de Canfranc
Location: Canfranc, just north of Jaca
Tel: +34 974 37 31 41 (Oficina de Tourismo)
Camino Francés
Albergue: Albergue Beilari
Location: Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
Tel: +33 6 30 02 86 67
Albergue: Albergue Cirauqui
Location: Cirauqui (7.5km w. of Puente la Reina)
Tel: +34 678 63 52 08
Albergue: Albergue Oasis Trails
Location: Villamayor de Monjardín (9km west of Estella)
Tel: +34 623 428 216
Albergue: Albergue Municipal
Location: Nájera
Tel: +34 941 360 041
Notes: Recently renovated and has reduced capacity of 24 beds
Albergue: La Casa de la Sonrisas
Location: Grañon
Tel: +34 687 87 78 91
Albergue: Refugio Acacio & Orietta
Location: Viloria d La Rioja (7km west of Grañón)
Tel: +34 947 58 52 20
Albergue: Albergue Parochial San Francisco Asis
Location: Tosantos (just west of Belorado)
Tel: +34 947 58 03 71
Albergue: Casa Las Almas
Location: Espinosa de Camino (just west of Tosantos)
Tel: +34 618 56 88 45
Albergue: Albergue de Peregrinas EMAUS
Location: Burgos
Notes: Closed for 2021….stop by in after April 2022
Albergue: Albergue Betania
Location: Frómista
Tel: +34 638 846 043
Notes: Open Dec-Feb
Location: Frómista
Albergues: Various businesses along the Way
Albergue: Albergue San Bruno
Location: Moratinos (8km east of Sahagún)
Tel: +34 672 62 96 58
Albergue: Rebekah Scott
Location: Moratinos (8km east of Sahagún)
Tel: +34 648 539 188, +34 979 061 016
Notes: Stop in to say hi! Emergency shelter offered.
Albergue: Albergue San Miguel
Location: Hospital de Órbigo
Tel: +34 987 38 82 85
Albergue: The Stone Boat
Location: Rabanal Del Camino
Tel: +34 652 66 05 04
Albergue: La Rosa del Agua
Location: El Acebo
Tel: +34 616 84 97 38
Albergue: Albergue Ave Fenix
Location: Villafranca del Bierzo
Tel: +34 626 14 61 15
Albergue: Casa Susi
Location: Trabadelo (10km west of Villafranca del Bierzo)
Tel: +34 683 27 87 78
Albergue: Albergue de Ferrerios
Location: Ferrerios (after Sarria and Morgade, before Portomarin)
Tel: +34 982 157 496
Camino Portugues
Albergue: Quinta da Burra
Location: Porto de Muge (3.6km north of Valada, on the 3rd day out of Lisbon)
Tel: +351 939 997 657
Albergue: Albergue Ideas Peregrinas
Location: Rúa Porta da Pía 1, Tui
Tel: +34 667 89 83 81
Camino del Norte
Albergue: Albergue de Peregrinos de Güemes
Location: Güemes (just before Santander)
Notes: Space for 90 plus camping on property
Albergue: Albergue Aves de Paso
Location: Pendueles (9km west of Colombres)
Tel: +34 676 620 094
Albergue: Albergue de Peregrinos La Ferrería de Amandi
Location: Amandi (2km south of Villaviciosa)
Tel: +34 646 516 846
Camino Primitivo
Albergue: Pilgrim Albergue Fontenonaya
Location: Fontenonaya (5km west of Salas)
Tel: +34 653 24 70 07
Albergue: Albergue de Peregrinos
Location: Bodenaya (1.5km past Fontenonaya)
Tel: +34 645 888 984
Albergue: Albergue Rectoral de Romean
Location: 10km before Lugo, south of Gondar (between Castroverde and Lugo)
Tel: +34 618 11 17 47
Albergue: Albergue Ponte Ferriera
Location: Ferriera (west of Lugo before the day that you travel south to Arzua)
Tel: +34 676 58 28 40
Albergue: Albergue A Nave de Ferriera
Location: Ferriera (west of Lugo before the day that you travel south to Arzua)
Tel: +34 616 16 15 94
Via de la Plata
Albergue: Amigos del Camino Hostel (Vincent Van Gogh)
Location: Zafra (a major centre 6 to 7 days walk north of Sevilla)
Tel: +34 924 969 123
Albergue: Fuenterroble de Salvatierra
Location: Ctra de Guijuelo, 3, Fuenterroble (two days walk south of Salamanca)
Camino Mozárabe
Association: Asociación Jacobea de Almería Camino Mozárabe
Albergues: These albergues received a donation through the Association, so that that Covid approved bed covers and pillow covers would be available when the Camino Mozárabe opened up again.
Albergue el Mozárabe – Rioja
Albergue Azahar, Santa Cruz de Marchena
Albergue San Roque, Alboloduy
Albergue la Escuela, Ocana
Albergue Wolf, Abla
Albergue Lobo, Hueneja
Albergue Alcalde Carbonero, La Peza
Albergue San Jose, Tocón de Quentar
Santiago de Compostela
Albergue: Pilgrim House
Location: Rúa Nova, 19
Notes: A rest and reflection place for pilgrims
Tel: +34 981 58 57 88
Albergue: Conga7
Location: Rúa da Conga, 7
Notes: The owner loves Canadians and is very grateful for our donation. Stop in! Phone for restaurant reservation
Tel: +34 981 58 34 07
Albergue: Egería House
Location: Rúa do Campo de Santo Antonio, 22, Primero (First Floor)
Tel: +34 698 128 190
Notes: Sybille Yates offers emergency shelter and also raises food and funds for the homeless in Santiago.
Albergue: Albergue Sixtos No Caminho
Location: Rúa da Fonte dos Concheiros
Tel: +34 881 06 79 36
Albergue: House of Little Fox
Location: On the way to Finisterra, near Muxia
Tel: +34 686 315 328
Notes: A place for pilgrims to reflect and rest